Coming home with your new puppy
Sharing your life with a dog is one rewarding experience.    Each puppy is unique.    It will bring joy and comfort to your whole family for many years to come.   Puppies require constant care and attention, specially in the first months of their lives.  Learned habits and experiences that were encountered during this critical period will influence the health, character and personality of your dog as an adult.  Dogs are pets who love being part of a group.  Therefore, your family will become your puppy's "pack" .  It is your responsibility to establish clearly from the start each member's position in the pack's hierarchy.

      This information (page) is designed to provide owners of a new puppy with the useful information they will need to be responsible owners.  It discusses the puppy's arrival in its new home, nutrition, house training, health care and grooming, first aid intervention and some prevention tips.  This page will help to guide you in maintaining the health and insuring the well=being of your puppy.

      Taking care of a dog is a long-term responsibility that must be shared between all family members.  A puppy brought up with patience , love and care will become a happy and well balanced member of your family.

      If you would like to learn more,  many good foods on all dog-related subjects are available.  Ask you breeder, your veterinarian, your groomer or pet food supplier to recommend some titles.

Welcome home sweet puppy
Upon arrival at your house, your puppy will discover a whole new environment.  He is now away from his "family" , and for him or her nothing will ever be the same !  It is therefore normal for him or her to feel lost and driven by curiosity, to snoop in every corner of the house.  He or she will try to chew at anything lying on the floor or sticking out of drawers and closets.  You can do a lot to help your little friend to feel at ease with his new master and new home.  Your puppy will need a quiet corner of his own where he will feel safe and secure.

       Once in its new home, remember that your new arrival is adjusting to strange new surroundings and people.  Children can become excited.  Explain to them that as he may be disoriented,  their new companion needs time out for rest and naps.  Show children how to pet the newcomer and the proper way to pick up the puppy.  A puppy should be closely supervised and taken outside to relieve himself after eating,  following naps and play periods. 

 Like a small child, your puppy must be watched over constantly.

Make your home safe by keeping sources of danger out of reach:

...Toxic household cleaners and disinfectants.
...Electrical cords
...Small objects such as children's toys
...Toxic indoor plants (azeala, spider plants, poinsettia, cyclamen,
​ polyhedron etc...) just to name a few.
...Chocolate....Grapes & Raisins...
...Watch your purse for sugarless gum (totally poison for them)
...chicken bones (cooked)
...onions (raw) are toxic as well
...Glass pieces
....Oil, gaz and anti-freeze
...Insecticide and pesticides

#2...Set up a small pen or clean in a warm and quiet corner, away from drafts,  where he can rest and spend the night.
#3...Make sure no one disturbs the puppy in his cage or bed.
#4... Never reach in the cage to pull out the dog or do not confine him or her to the cage as a  punishment.
#5...For the first night, wrap a hot-water bottle in a towel  and place it in the cage.  You can also play the radio softly or leave a clock for it's soothing tic=tack.
#6...It is normal for your puppy to cry the first night.  A comforting word is usually sufficient to calm him.  Be soft and patient with him.
#7...Play with him at home and keep him interested without overtireing him.  Do not force him to come to you, in fact, let him gradually come to you on his own, but you must go down to their level on the floor so they see you as friendly.
#8...Show him repeatedly, using the same words in the area where he will have to relieve himself.  Do this every day, the moment he wakes up, before he sleeps at night, after play and after each meal.  Praise him with encouraging words, stroke him and give him a treat each time he relieves himself at the right location.
#9...Show him or her where to find his food and water.
#10...Give him or her a toy or a chewing bone to play with.  Reserve daily training and exercise periods.
#11...Avoid bringing home a new pet during busy times such as birthdays and holidays .  The noise and confusion may frighten your puppy.  Family members are generally too busy with the festivities to devote the time need to accustom the puppy to its new home.

...Dog cage  and or bedding
...Food and water bowls
...Leash and collar
...Identification medal with dog's name and your phone number
​ (microchip is the best)
...Chewing toys
...Grooming accessories
Puppies need a different kind of diet than adult dogs,  as their stomachs are smaller and their nutritional needs different.  Your puppy has a big appetite and will need to be fed several times a day !  Feed your puppy a puppy food, in small amounts,  that is specially designed to meet its nutritional requirements.
...Dried dog food is preferably: more nutritious,  it is easier to digest and helps to keep teeth clean.
...Always consult the label's recommendations.
...It is not recommended to modify your best friend's food: changes could make him finicky.  cause  diarrhea or vomiting.  Always feed him at the same place and at the same time.
...If your puppy appears to be gaining too much weight, reduce the food amount.  Excess weight is an extra strain on growing bones and ligaments .
...Do not use food supplements (vitamins, minerals, meats, table scraps, etc...)unless it was prescribed by your veterinarian.
...Always leave a bowl of fresh water for your dog.
...It is a wiser thing to use treats only as rewards for good behavior or as a training tool.
Through a routine based on the following principles, it is easy to house train your puppy in a few short days.  For the first months, a puppy is physiologically capable during the day of controlling himself for a period equivalent to his age in months plus 1 hour.  For example , 3-month old puppy can control himself for 4 hours.  However, from the first day in your home , he is capable of controlling himself through the entire night, without any problems.
     If your puppy is fed quality food at regular hours, 2 or 3 times a day, he should have a bowel movement 10 to 20 minutes after his meal,  as a chewing stimulates evacuation.
     After a play period , your puppy will need to go outside.  Check for the usual signs: the puppy is losing concentration, sniffs the floor, turns on himself. whimpers and has a pre-occupied look.

       Finally, as all humans the puppy will need to urinate every time he awakens.   To avoid mishaps, use the cage as a training tool for house training.  Leave the puppy in the cage between playtime and meal time.  Confined to his cage, the dog will not relieve himself where he sleeps.  It's a natural reflex.

       Outdoors, choose a precise location that will become your puppy's toilet.  Bring him there every time you take him out.  It is useful to specify that if you should take your dog out to relieve himself and to go for a walk, he should relieve himself first , get praised and be brought back into the house even for a few minutes.  The puppy will learn that he was taken out to relieve himself and you can then take him for a walk.  It is important for him to distinguish between the two activities.

     A word of caution , if you find urine or feces in the house, ignore the incident.  Do not scold your puppy unless you catch him in the act,  A puppy has a short memory and will not be able to link you scolding to his soiling the house even if you reprimand him in minutes after the fact.
     You must take your newly adopted puppy to your vet as soon as possible.  This is what will probably happen during the first visit.

...Meticulous physical exam to determine the health status of your dog.
...Search for external parasites (fleas, ticks, lice, mites )etc...
...Search for internal parasites ( tapeworm, roundworm etc..) if you bring a feces sample.
...First vaccines (second if the first was givin by the breeder's vet) will need.  Your vet will indicate when they should be administered.
...Discussion of an eventual sterilization of your puppy , and if so, the age at which the operation should be done.

      The firs medical examination will provide your vet with all the information he needs to recommend a healthy nutrition and the immediate care you should provide your puppy.  It will also serve as the  "reference" to evaluate and compare the health of your companion during future examinations.

One of the best ways to provide your dog a long and healthy life is to vaccinate him against the common canine diseases.  During the first weeks of his life, your puppy received through his mothers's milk the antibodies that immunized him against certain diseases.  After this period, it is up to you to provide the right protection.
      The immunization received at birth begins to disappear between the 6th to the 12 weeks of his life.  It is then the time to give him his first vaccines.  He should get recall shots every month, untill he reachess the age of 4 months.  Then, your dog should be spayed / neutered at 6 months of age for a healthy long life.
...Canine distemper/...Coronavirus/...Leptospirosis/...Parvovirus/....Adenovirus/....Canine infectioous tracheobronchitis (kennel cough)/....Rabies/...Parainfluenza/...etc....


    Regular grooming is essential for your dog's good health.  A beautiful glossy coat is a sign of your dog's overall health and well-being.  It is important to accustom your dog to groming at a yound age.  When you groom your dog, you welcome familiar with his characteristics.  By knowing what is normal for your dog you will be able to monitor any changes in his apperance that may be signs of illness, injury or parasites.  If these small minor problems are treated early on,  they can prevent the debelopment of more serious conditions.

    Some things for you to check as you groom your dog:
...Unusual lumps under the skin, rashes, bald spots, sores,  cuts....
...Unusually dull coat, flaky shin,  fleas...
...Red , inflamed, cloudy eyes or excessive trearing...
...Tender or swollen ears and / or strong odors...
...Bad breath, swollen gums, excessive tartar.

      For short haired dogs,  we recommend grooming once a week with a natrual bristle brush and a fine-tooth comb.
Longhaired dogs require more frequent grooming, usually 2-3 times a week unless it is an outdoor dog.  then , every day might be neccessary.   In order to properly groom your longhaired dog, you will need a wire brush, a wide-tooth comb and a fine-tooth flea comb.  If your dog's hair is fallin out,  if he or she seems to be scratching excessively, or if you notice any signs of a rash, consult your veterinarian.


     Dogs who stay indoors will shed all year long.  Regular brushing and quality food will assure a healthy grownth of new hair.


     When your dog becomes dirty or starts to smell,  it's bath time !  A dog should only get washed if it's really dirty because too frequent baths will eliminate natural oils and cause his fur to dry up.
    First , place a non-skid carpet in the bath so the dog feels secure.  Wet your dog,  lather him with a shampoo (avoiding soap around the eyes).  Rinse him off with lukewarm water,  avoiding water in his ears.  Make sure all traces of soap have been rinsed away.  Dry him off with a towel while he is still in the tub.
     In winter, it is appropriate to use a hair-dryer to dry your dog's fur,  but remember to keep it a good distance from his skin to avoid any burn.  If the weather is cold,  keep  the dog inside the house several hours after the bath, so he will not catch a cold.
    If you give your dog a bath on a warm day,  you can leave him outdoors, provided you dried him off with a towel first.

      If your dog's claw start snagging on fabric or on you it's a good indication that they need clipping.  A pair of specially designed dog clippers should be used and are available at pet strores.  Never use regular scisssors as they can crush and injure your dog's claw.  When clipping your dog's nails it is a good idea to use two people one to hold your pet securely and the other to clip the nails.  Otherwise, begin by holding your dog in your lap or on the floor between your knees.  Make sure there is sufficient lighting and that you are familiar with the way the paws look and pin the dog to your side with your arm and hold one of it's front paws in your hand.  Take one finger at a time, so that each paw is in full view.  Clip it, being careful not to cut into the quick,  the slightly pinkish area containing nevers and blood vessels.  When in doubt, trim less of the nail.  Repeat with the next toe and son on.  Don't forget the dewclaws found only on the front paws located right about where humans would have their thumbs.

      Because  ears are a primary collecting point of dirt and debris, it is important to check your dog's ears once every other week.  Irritated ears or a strong odor are signs of infection.  If in pain, a dog might constantly scratch it's ear or shake it's head.  Dogs with long and thick ears are more likely to suffer from ear problems.  If you have questions on the proper manner to clean your dog's ears or on low to be on the lookout for signs of infection,  consult your vetenarian.  If your dog's ears need cleaning,  use a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide or another product suggested by your vet or breeder.  Remember to be gentle.  Never go deeper into the ear than what you can see and never apply the peroxide directly into the ear.  Consult your vet if you find deeply lodged ear wax or redness and black spots which may be an indication of mites.

    Examine your dog's eyes on a regular basis.  They should be clear and bright with no excessive trearing or mucus discharge.  It's a good idea to keep plenty of clean cotton balls on hand and use a moistened one to remove any discharge from around the eye area.  Red, inflamed or cloudy eyes or excessive tearing are indications of possible infection or eye injury.  Because eyes are very delicate organs, any injury should receive prompt veterinary attention.

     Clean your puppy's teeth 1-3 times a week.  In a cup of water, pour a teaspoon of baking soda and with this solution , gently rub the puppy's teeth with a soft cloth.  When your dog gets his or her adult teeth, brush them periodiacally with a special animal toothpaste and toothbrush.  Do not use toothpaste formulated for humans, because pets swallow rather than spit out the preparation, this may cause stomach upset.


     Puppies much like small children , are accident prone.  In the event of a severe accident, try to remain calm.  To better face emergencies,  prepare a first aid kit with special articles to care for your puppy.


...round tip scisors
...adhesive bandages (kept dry in a platic bags)
...elastic bandages
...your vetenairian's phone number

     Here are a few basic principles to keep in mind before you bring your puppy to the vet:
...Aproach your puppy carefully, and talk to him reasuringly.
...Be aware that an animal injured or in shock can be agressive even if he knows you well.
...Listen to his heartbeat and note of any irregular breathing or panting.
...Look for any obvious sign of fracture or hemmoraging.
...Keep the puppy as still as possible.
...If you must move your puppy, do it with the most care and only if necessary.
...Wrap your dog in a heavy towel or blanket to keep him warm and restrict his movements.  having assistance would be helpful.
...Apply a pressure  bandage (sterile gauze or a clean handkerchief) to slow or stop the bleeding of a cut or bite.
...Apply a cold compress to a burn and gently hold it there until you get to the vet clinic.
...Do not induce voniting if you susspect or know your dog hass swallowed a poisonous substance.
...At any sign of choking ( drooling, difficulty swallowing, pawing at the mought, gaggin) , do not attempt to remove the item.
...If your dog suffers from heatstroke, take him to a cool spot and sponge him with cold water.  Encourage your dog to drink small amounts of water.
...If your dog suffers from frosbite, place him in a warm room immediately. Thaw out the frosbitten areas slowly by applying warm moist towels that are changed frequently until the area becomes flushed.  Severe frostbite can result in damaged paws and ear tips,  so it is best to let your vetenarian determine the extent of the damaged as soon as possible.
...Consult your vetenarian to find out more about first aid measures.


    Every year , thousands of dogs are put to death needlessly because of animal overpopulation.  Such overpopulation is caused by people neglecting to have their pets sterilised.  Therefore, it is strongly recommended to have your animal sterilized before the age of 6-7 months of age .  This intervention will prevent fights between dominant males, territorial markings and the bi-annual behavior troubles caused by females in heat.

     Should your animal get lost, it should  be registered with an identification medal available from your local municipality.  This could avoid future worries.
     As well it is a good idea to have a microchip install while your pet is being neutered /spayed as if your dog is stolen or runs away it is wise to let the vets know and the by-law in the surrounding area to scan all dogs matching your description in case they show up at the vet. 
Some pets have been found years later , all thanks to microchip.
     Your animal is now a part of your family , He will return in affection and devotion all of the care and attention that you will provide....
    copyright protected © 2010
Please take special care of your precious fur friend.  Treat them as family members and you will notice the rewards are far more than one can ever imagine , They are healers to me and will be for you as well. 

Always plan in advance   and read my "Thinking of adopting" page .

​​Introducing Puppy to his New Home and Family
Your puppy looks to you for direction, comfort and protection. Everything is new, so he may not be playful and frisky at first. Give him time, be patient, and talk to him. Puppies may not know people vocabulary, but they soon learn to respond to your voice and commands. Speak to him gently and always treat him kindly. Introduce your puppy to his area as soon as you bring him home. Put his toys in his crate and show him where his food and water bowls are. Your puppy will soon know which special little corner of your house is his.
Respect his right to be undisturbed while he is resting, sleeping or eating. Your puppy will probably be homesick for a night or two, so don’t be surprised if he whimpers or cries at bedtime or mealtime. Remember, he has just been taken away from his mother and littermates.
Avoid rowdy play and rough handling. Let your puppy make his own advances. It may be days before he feels at home and wants to play. Don’t overtire your puppy. Play with him, but give him plenty of time for naps.
Be sure to show all family members the proper way to pick up and hold your puppy: place one hand under his hind quarters and the other under his chest. Never pick him up by his front paws or by the scruff of his neck.

Être prêt pour un chiot

La décision d'avoir un chiot sera peut-être l'une des plus belles décisions de votre vie - mais elle ne doit pas être prise à la légère. Un chiot apporte beaucoup de joies, de plaisirs et d'affection, mais il exige aussi beaucoup d'attention et de soins. Et, cette responsabilité «grandit» avec le temps.

Avant de prendre votre décision, demandez-vous si vous êtes vraiment prêt. Oui? Tant mieux! Vous et votre chiot allez vivre ensemble d'excellents moments.

Avant son arrivée, vous devez rendre votre maison tout à fait sûre pour votre chiot. Vous aurez aussi également des accessoires à acheter.

La première nuit que votre chiot passera chez vous constituera pour lui comme pour vous un événement inoubliable. Avec un peu de patience, vous saurez rassurer votre chiot face à son nouvel environnement.

Votre responsabilité de maître consiste notamment à lui fournir tout le nécessaire - nourriture, vaccins, jouets, etc. Vous devez aussi lui procurer une marque d'identification qui vous permettra de le retrouver s'il se perd. Avant d'acheter ou d'adopter un chiot, vérifiez aussi que vous possédez les ressources financières nécessaires pour assumer les dépenses de la première année - et des années qui suivront.

Puppy Training 101:      [click on picture]
​Your Guide to Mastering Basic Puppy Training